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Moving Tips to Make your Move Easier

Oct 17, 2022

Moving Tips to Make your Move Easier

It is time to prepare for winter. There are many things to do for winter, but winter cleaning should not be neglected. These tips will make your home more efficient and let you enjoy the indoor environment more. This checklist will help you prepare your home for winter.

1. Check your furnace system.

Every winter, inspect your furnace. Change the filters, too. You should also have your air ducts and vents cleaned. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, HVAC filters should be changed at least once a month. If your system is in heavy use, it's recommended that you change them more frequently. The filters should be changed, and the vents and ducts cleaned. This will ensure that your HVAC system runs more efficiently and prevent allergens and dust from building up in your home.

2. Get rid of all the junk.

Now is the right time to get rid of clutter in your home. If you don't have clutter, it will be easier to maintain a clean home. Decluttering can also make it easier to store the gifts you'll be receiving during the holidays. These are some tips to help declutter:

  • Donate them if you haven't used them in a year.
  • Three boxes marked keep, donate, and throw away are sufficient.
  • Starting with the small and working your way up to larger projects.
  • For faster decluttering, work with a friend or family member.
  • Take a look through your closet to find clothes that don't fit.
  • Donate toys that your children no longer need.

3. Get your dryer vents professionally cleaned.

Even with a dryer lint trap installed, lint can build up in the dryer's hoses or its back. Lint buildup can cause a fire hazard, and it is important that it be cleaned at least once a year. Your dryer's efficiency is also affected by lint buildup, which can lead to lower energy bills.

4. Clean your chimney.

It is important to maintain your fireplace's chimney. A fire can be caused by buildup in the chimney. This can also cause a decrease in the quality of your home's air. A professional can help you ensure that your chimney is clean and well-maintained.

5. Deep clean your kitchen and kitchen appliances.

Winter months are when most people cook more. It is important to regularly clean all your kitchen appliances, including the oven, stove, refrigerator, freezer, and fridge. Don't forget to clean the underside of your appliances. It is a good idea to dust your cabinets and drawers. Also, clean out your freezer and refrigerator while you're at it. You can clean your vent hoods and backsplashes and check the shelf contents to remove expired food. You will have a clean kitchen that your family can enjoy.

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